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  • Adonay and Chris Anthony collaborated with Grammy award-winners Roberto Morales and Femio Hernandez at West Sound Studio.
  • The project is a two EP series self-titled Adonay, Adonay 2.0 G rated storytelling songs based on social issues with a fusion of genres with an operatic rock style.
  • In 2023, Adonay is set to revolutionize the industry with upcoming releases, such as “Dream On…Endlessness,” inspiring global audiences with its message of resilience.
  • Beyond music, she's deeply committed to organizing charity fundraisers for children, making her a significant figure in entertainment.
  • Her goal includes expanding into soundtracks and musicals, embodying a steadfast commitment to making the world better through her initiatives.
  • “Inner Peace Ultimately Promotes World Peace” ~Adonay
  • 1-Can't Seem To Forget
  • 2-Rain
  • 3-Our World is Just One
  • 4-When I see Your Name
  • 5-Put Your Weapons Down
  • 6-Dream On Endlessness